Luxembourg - Sacro cuore di Gesù

On the site of today’s basilica, in ancient times stood two monumental complexes built under the Roman Empire: the Castrum Praetorium (the barracks of the imperial guard) and the Baths of Diocletian.

In 1863 Pope Pius IX inaugurated a new railway in the area, now known as Termini Station, due to its proximity to the Baths (Terme, in Italian) of Diocletian. Pius IX also began the construction of a church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the area in front of the modern station.

This came at a time of the propagation of a powerful devotion (to the Sacred Heart) that had become established especially in France, Luxembourg and Italy, thanks to the efforts of the Barnabite priest, Fr Antonio Maresca. In the city of Luxembourg, for example, to this day, near the Central Station, there is a church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Because of a lack of funds, building work had to be halted almost immediately, getting underway again only in 1880, when Pope Leo XIII entrusted the project to Don Bosco, the founder of the Salesian Order, who extended the original plan and included a hospice to accommodate those most in need.

Finally, on 14th  May 1887, after many difficulties and funding problems, the church was solemnly consecrated.

On 16th  May 1887 Don Bosco  celebrated Mass for the only time in this church. A plaque inside recalls that it was interrupted by his sobbing, caused by a vision of the dream he had had as a nine-year-old  boy, the meaning of which was only now being revealed to him, together with his mission.

To this day the site is home to the Salesians and also contains the Chancery of the Embassy of Luxembourg to the Holy See.