New exhibition dedicated to Dante Alighieri as a ‘pilgrim of hope’ in Rome

27 February 2025

A new exhibition ‘Uomini Siate e non Pecore Matte’ [Be men, not crazy sheep] showcasing the great Italian poet Dante as a ‘pilgrim of hope’ will be inaugurated at the Cloister of San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome on March 12, at 11am. Admission to the exhibition will be free. It will run from March 12 to April 27, 2025 at the Cloister every day from 10am to 7pm.

The exhibition forms part of the series of cultural and artistic events promoted by the Dicastery for Evangelization for the 2025 Jubilee.

Staged in association with Centocanti sas, the publishing house of Franco Nembrini, and Deloitte, the exhibition follows similar exhibitions held from 2022 to 2024 in various Italian cities in collaboration with the Rivela cultural association, entitled “Dante prophet of hope”.

For the 2025 Jubilee, a new exhibition has been curated which follows the entire Divine Comedy covering the most important moments of the poet's journey, “from an apparently failed and disappointed man, a sinner and disheartened, he is transformed into a prophet of hope” (Pope Francis, Candor lucis aeternae).

The exhibition explores the Divine Comedy as a spiritual journey, following the themes of hope and mercy in search of a new humanity. It is a journey through art, literature, and faith, which tells how it is always possible, from any hellish situation, to emerge “to see the stars again”.

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, who is in charge of the organization of the Jubilee, said: “Dante, in his Divine Comedy, offers readers of every generation a personal pilgrimage which always encourages them to undertake a profound interior journey in the company of the poet.

“Dante's poem is set in 1300, the year of the first Jubilee and, as we know, many historians agree that Dante was actually present in Rome for that first Holy Year in history – as can be seen by certain verses of the Commedia dedicated to the event. The Exhibition will help visitors, through the rediscovery of one of the greatest masterpieces of Italian literature, to enjoy the beauty of becoming ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ starting from the verses of Dante Alighieri.”

The exhibition has a special focus on young people. Guided tours will be organized by university students and young people from secondary schools thanks to the activity of the PCTO (paths for transversal skills and orientation) program. The young people will welcome and accompany the pilgrims along the entire route of the exhibition, and talk about the impact of Dante in their lives. For more information and reservations for groups, visit the website