Translations of the “Notes on Prayer” series
The ‘Notes on Prayer’ series of booklets are now on sale in the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hungarian, Romanian and Korean.
In Italian:
- published by LEV (Libreria Editrice Vaticana)
In Spanish:
- published in Spain by Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos https://bac-editorial.es/es/popular/1895-apuntes-sobre-la-oracion-1-orar-hoy-un-desafio-a-superar.html
- published in Colombia by Sociedad de San Pablo https://sanpablo.co/libreria/producto/oracion-y-devocion/orar-hoy-un-desafio-por-conquistar-vol1/
- published in Mexico by the Mexican Episcopal Conference https://www.buenaprensa.com/search?keywords=apuntes%20sobre%20la%20oracion
- published in Argentina by Editorial Santa Maria in collaboration with Agape Libros https://www.editorialsantamaria.com/productos/ensenanos-a-orar-vivir-el-ano-de-la-oracion/
In Portuguese:
- published in Brazil by the Brazilian Episcopal Conference: https://www.edicoescnbb.com.br/rezar-hoje-cadernos-sobre-a-oracao-vol-1
- published in Portugal by Paulinas: https://www.paulinas.pt/produto/rezar-hoje/
In English:
- published in India by ATC Publisher: https://joyofgifting.com/product/guidance-for-prayer-for-the-holy-year-2025-volume-1-10017/
- published in the United States by OSV (Our Sunday Visitor) https://www.orderosv.com/product/prayer-today-a-challenge-to-overcome-exploring-prayer?ga_ref_list_id=75ga_ref_list_name=Related%20Products
- published in the UK by CTS (Catholic Truth Society): https://www.ctsbooks.org/product-category/year-of-jubilee/notes-on-prayer/
- published in Australia by Garratt Publishing https://www.garrattpublishing.com.au/product/NOP8VS/
In French:
- Vol. 7, entitled “The prayer of Mary with the Saints Who Met Her”, by Sister Catherine Aubin, is published in France by Yves Briend Editeur (forthcoming)
- Vol. 7 is published in Canada by Novalis (forthcoming)
In Hungarian:
- published in Hungary by Magyar Kurír: https://bolt.ujember.hu/?product=mit-jelent-ma-imadkozni
In Korean:
- published in South Korea by Living with Scripture Publishers: https://www.withbible.com/shop/item.php?it_id=1723168864
In Romanian:
- published in Romania by the Romanian Episcopal Conference (publication forthcoming)