
Friday, January 24

- 5:30pm-7pm: Welcome and penitential liturgy

● Basilica of St. John Lateran

- 7pm: International Mass for the feast of St. Francis de Sales

● Basilica of St. John Lateran


From Thursday, January 23, from 9am to 6pm only, at the InfoPoint in via della Conciliazione 7, all participants must collect their Pass for the program of events on Saturday January 25 in the Vatican, and their ticket for the Papal Mass on Sunday January 26 in St. Peter's Basilica.


Saturday, January 25

- 7:30am-9:30am: Guided pilgrimage to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica

- 9am-10am: Welcome/Coffee

• Atrium of the Paul VI Hall

- 10am: “In dialogue with Maria Ressa and Colum McCann”.

Moderated by the journalist Mario Calabresi

• Paul VI Hall

- Followed by a musical performance by Maestro Uto Ughi

- 12:30pm: Meeting with the Holy Father Pope Francis

• Paul VI Hall

- 3pm-4.30pm: “Dialogues with the city” – a series of cultural and spiritual meetings taking place simultaneously in various parts of the city


1. "Communication and hope" - In-depth meeting with Filipino journalist and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Maria Ressa, and Colum McCann, writer and journalist, organized by the Dicastery for Communication

2. "Jubilee of Hope. Uniting communicators for a shared journey" (by invitation only) organized by the Dicastery for Communication / Young Communicators Program

3. "Journalism as a mission, giving voice to the voiceless on the peripheries of humanity" organized by the Vicariate of Rome

4. "Journalism at the service of democracy" organized by Ucsi with the Italian Order of Journalists, Fnsi, Stampa Estera, Copercom, Fisc, Odg , WeCa, Constructive Network (participation reserved only for journalists registered with the Order of Journalists)

5. "Communicating hope and peace" organized by the Italian Bishops’ Conference Social Communications Office

6. "From competition to collaboration. New media as vectors of hope for young people in a conflictual world" organized by the Pauline Family

7. "How can Catholic media be peacemakers?" organized by the Fédération des médias catholiques

8. "Reporting on the Church from Rome. Meeting with Vaticanistas" organized by the Spanish Episcopal Conference

Details of the Dialogue Sessions here:  ( “DIALOGUES IN THE CITY”)


Sunday, January 26

- 9:30 am: Holy Mass for the “Sunday of the Word of God” presided over by the Holy Father

• St. Peter's Basilica

• with the institution of lectors