The Prayers for the Pilgrimage to the Holy Door are now online

23 December 2024

The Prayers for the Jubilee Pilgrimage to the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica are now available online, and will serve as an important spiritual tool for the faithful preparing for the Jubilee.

Composed by the Dicastery for Evangelization, these Prayers will be available in six languages, allowing pilgrims from all over the world to use a common liturgical text. The prayers can be consulted and downloaded directly from the official Jubilee website: click here

The Prayers were designed to accompany groups along the short but significant pilgrimage from Piazza Pia to the Holy Door of St. Peter. This symbolic journey acts as a moment of spiritual recollection, culminating in the passage through the Holy Door and continuing towards the Tomb of the Apostle Peter.

In addition to the digital version, the Dicastery has arranged for the physical distribution of the Prayers at the meeting point from which pilgrimages will set off. This aims to ensure that all participants, even those who do not have access to digital devices, can fully experience the spiritual experience of the Jubilee.