Delpini: “I expect enthusiasm from the young people, just like we saw in Lisbon”
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Mario Delpini, Archbishop of Milan since July 2017, is in Rome for the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
We asked him what his predictions were in terms of participation in the next Jubilee year, 2025. "I expect people to be curious and happy to participate," he said, referring to the enthusiasm that the preparations for the Holy Year are already sparking among young people.
Your Excellency, what do you think will be young people’s reaction to the 2025 Jubilee, a generation that has never experienced or witnessed such an important and international faith event?
“The reaction I expect from young people for the Jubilee is that they will participate in it with great enthusiasm. The thing that surprised me most about World Youth Day in Lisbon was just that - the response of this generation who had never seen a WYD.
“I saw that many priests who work in youth ministry also came, they believed in it, they organized it. And going to Lisbon was quite an easy trip, just as coming to Rome will be, so I expect people to be curious and happy to participate. This can be readily seen from the reaction at Lisbon, when the Pope invited all young people to come to Rome in 2025.
“I fully expect young people to respond with availability and a real readiness to receive the messages that will be transmitted."