The Iter Europaeum: For the Jubilee of 2025 a new pilgrim route is planned to explore the churches linked to the member countries of the European Union
The itinerary of ‘Churches of the European Union’, from the Latin "Iter Europaeum", includes stops in 28 churches and basilicas. All are historically linked to European countries either for cultural or artistic reasons or because of their historic tradition of welcoming pilgrims from a particular state of the European Union.
The Basilica of San Clemente for example, is linked to the Czech Republic, Santa Maria sopra Minerva to Finland, and Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri to Italy. The Basilica of the Santi Quattro Coronati (Four Crowned Saints) is a special reference point in Rome for pilgrims arriving from Latvia, the church of the Gesù (Church of the Holy Name of Jesus) has the same significance for the people of Lithuania. The basilica of the Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Sacred Heart of Jesus) is linked to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. For the Spanish faithful their national church in Rome is San Pietro in Montorio, while for the Swedish pilgrims it is Santa Brigida in the busy square of Campo de' Fiori. The church of Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio is linked to Hungary, Santa Maria dell'Anima to Austria, San Giuliano dei Fiamminghi to Belgium and San Paolo alla Regola to Bulgaria.
For Greece, there is San Teodoro al Palatino, for Cyprus Santa Maria in Via Lata, for Croatia San Girolamo dei Croati and for Denmark Santa Maria in Traspontina. The Basilica of Santa Sabina on the Aventine hill is the national church of the Estonian community, San Luigi dei Francesi is the national church of France, the Evangelical Lutheran church of Christ is included in the list for Germany and Sant'Isidoro in the city center is the church chosen for Ireland.
The Church of San Paolo in the Three Fountains area is linked to Malta, Santi Michele e Magno to the Netherlands, the Church and Hospice of San Stanislao to Poland and Sant’Antonio dei Portoghesi to Portugal. Finally, San Salvatore alle Coppelle is chosen for the faithful of Romania, Santa Prassede for those of Slovakia, and the great Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore for the Slovenians.
The basilica of the Ara Coeli, which stands on the Campidoglio, has been selected to represent the unity of all the countries of the European Union.
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