Jubilee of the Eastern Churches
12 - 14 May 2025

Jubilee of the Eastern Churches

attend the event
Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano
Big Event

All the faithful and representatives of the Eastern Catholic Churches, with their patriarchs and metropolitans, are especially invited to this Jubilee event.




Monday, May 12

        - 8:30 am: Divine Liturgy in the Ethiopian Rite

             St. Peter's Basilica, Choir Chapel

             Liturgy organized by the Ethiopian Church and Eritrean Church

        - 1:00 pm: Divine Liturgy in the Armenian Rite

             St. Mary Major's Basilica, Pauline Chapel

            • Liturgy organized by the Armenian Church

        - 3.00pm: Divine Liturgy in the Coptic Rite

             St. Mary Major's Basilica, Pauline Chapel

            • Liturgy organized by the Coptic Church


Tuesday, May 13

        - 10:00 am: Audience with the Holy Father

        - 1:00 pm: Divine Liturgy in the Syro-Oriental Rite (Anaphora of Addai and Mari)

             St. Peter's Basilica

             Liturgy organized by the Chaldean Church and Syro-Malabar Church

        - 6:45 pm: Vespers in the Syro-Western Rite

            • Basilica of St. Mary Major

            • Liturgy organized by the: Syro-Catholic Church, Maronite Church, Syro-Malankara Church

        - 9:00 pm: Akathistos

             Basilica of St. Mary Major, Piazza in front of the basilica

             Liturgy organized by the Colleges in Rome with a Byzantine presence


Wednesday, May 14

        - 2:00 pm: Divine Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite

             Basilica of St. Peter

             Liturgy organized by the Melkite Greek-Catholic Church, Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Romanian Greek-Catholic Church, together with the other sui iuris Churches of the Byzantine Rite