Volunteers from all associations, members of non-profit organizations, NGO workers and social workers are especially invited to this jubilee event.
Saturday 8th March
- 8.00-18.00: Pilgrimage to the Holy Door
• with the possibility of confession in the Jubilee churches
- 15.00-18.00: Dialogue with the city: cultural, artistic and spiritual activities
• taking place in various Roman piazzas
FOCSIV (Federation of Christian Organizations for International Volunteer Service) – Piazza Risorgimento
- Information stands and activities and entertainment in the piazza
MOVEMENT FOR LIFE – Piazza del Sant’Uffizio
- Information stands, entertainment for children, testimonies from mothers
CIVIL PROTECTION – Sanctuary of San Salvatore in Lauro (inside the Basilica)
MISERICORDIE – San Salvatore in Lauro (outside in the Square)
- Information stands, activities and preventative health information
SHELTERBOX ITALIA ONLUS – Piazza della Chiesa Nuova
- Information stands, activities and awareness-raising
APS IL SORRISO – Piazza Sant’Ignazio
- Information stands, activities, awareness-raising, and entertainment for children
IAD BAMBINI ANCORA – Piazza di Pietra Sunday 9 March
- 10.30am: Mass in St Peter’s Square, presided over by Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Delegate of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
Entrance to St. Peter’s Square, on the occasion of the Holy Mass, is completely free and does not require any type of ticket.
Bishops and Presbyters who wish to concelebrate, and Deacons who wish to participate, should make reservations with the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff through the following link: https://biglietti.liturgiepontificie.va/en/
Registrations will open only after the official publication of the calendar of celebrations presided over by the Holy Father.