Materials needed for registration


To participate in the event, please complete the following form and send it to the email address:


Guide to Filling Out the Excel Form for Groups

General Instructions

Download and open the Excel file, then fill in the following information:

1.    Sample Data

o    The data already in the file is for illustrative purposes only. Please delete all sample data before entering your own group information.

2.    Group Name
Go to cell A1 and replace the text "Group Name" with the name of your own group.

3.    Group Leader
Enter the details of the group leader and deputy group leaders in the lines indicated:

  • The information required for each leader is as follows:
    • Row 3 : Group leader
    • Row 4 : Deputy group leader
    • Line 5 : (Optional) Add an additional deputy group leader if applicable.
    • Name and Surname : First and last name of the leader.
    • Country : Country of origin.
    • Diocese : Diocese of origin
    • Passport or ID card : Passport or ID card number.
    • Email and Phone : Email and phone number of the leader.
    • Adult : Enter an “X” to indicate an adult; leave blank if a minor.
    • Packages (A, B,... ) : Specifies the chosen package ( A, B, etc.).
    • Disability : Use the Wheelchair , Hearing impaired , Visually columns impaired , Severe diabetes , Dialysis , and Other to indicate any special needs. Place an “X” in the appropriate column or specify in Other .


Group Participants’ Data

  • Starting from row 8 (green table), enter the details of each participant in the group. The information required for participants is as follows:
    • Name and Surname : First and last name of the participant.
    • Country : Country of origin.
    • Diocese : Diocese of origin.
    • Adult : Enter an “X” if the participant is an adult; leave blank if the participant is a minor.
    • Packages (A, B,... ) : specify the chosen package (A, B, etc.).
    • Disability : Use the spaces for Wheelchair , Hearing impaired , Visually impaired , Severe diabetes , Dialysis or Other to indicate any special needs. Place an “X” in the appropriate column or specify medical condition in Other .